Dios libra de la aflicción
1 ¡Alabemos al Señor, porque él es bueno;
2 Que lo afirmen los redimidos por Dios,
los que salvó del poderoso enemigo,
3 los que reunió desde lejanas tierras,
del oriente y del occidente,
del norte y del sur.

4 Perdidos en el desierto, no hallaban un camino
que los llevara a una ciudad habitable.
5 Andaban hambrientos y sedientos,
con el alma a punto de desfallecer.
6 En su angustia, clamaron al Señor,
y él los libró de sus aflicciones,
7 los guio por un buen camino,
hasta encontrar una ciudad habitable.

8 ¡Alabemos la misericordia del Señor
y sus grandes hechos en favor de los mortales!
9 El Señor sacia la sed del sediento,
y colma con buena comida al hambriento.

10 Algunos vivían en profunda oscuridad,
prisioneros de la aflicción y las cadenas,
11 pues fueron rebeldes a los mandatos de Dios
y despreciaron los proyectos del Altísimo.
12 Dios quebrantó su orgullo con trabajos pesados;
caían, y no había quien los levantara.
13 Pero en su angustia clamaron al Señor,
y él los salvó de toda su aflicción;
14 los sacó de la profunda oscuridad,
y puso fin a su aflicción y sus cadenas.

15 ¡Alabemos la misericordia del Señor,
y sus grandes hechos en favor de los mortales!
16 Él destruye las puertas de bronce,
y despedaza los cerrojos de hierro.

17 Obstinados en su conducta rebelde,
y afligidos por causa de sus maldades,
18 llegaron a aborrecer toda clase de alimento;
¡ya tocaban a las puertas de la muerte!
19 Pero en su angustia clamaron al Señor,
y él los libró de su aflicción.
20 Con el poder de su palabra los sanó,
y los libró de caer en el sepulcro.

21 ¡Alabemos la misericordia del Señor,
y sus grandes hechos en favor de los mortales!
22 ¡Ofrezcámosle sacrificios de gratitud,
y jubilosos proclamemos sus obras!

23 Los marinos, que conocen el mar,
con sus naves comercian en muchos lugares.
24 Allí, en lo profundo del mar,
han visto las maravillosas obras del Señor.
25 Él habló, y se desató un viento tempestuoso,
y gigantescas olas se encresparon.
26 Se levantaban hacia el cielo, o se hundían en el mar;
y ellos se desanimaban y temblaban de miedo.
27 Inseguros, daban traspiés, como ebrios;
¡de nada les servía toda su pericia!
28 Pero en su angustia clamaron al Señor,
y él los libró de su aflicción:
29 convirtió la tempestad en bonanza,
y apaciguó las amenazantes olas.
30 Ante esa calma, sonrieron felices
porque él los lleva a puerto seguro.

31 ¡Alabemos la misericordia del Señor,
y sus grandes hechos en favor de los mortales!
32 ¡Que lo exalte el pueblo congregado!
¡Que lo alabe el consejo de ancianos!

33 El Señor convierte ríos y manantiales,
en sequedades y áridos desiertos;
34 por la maldad de sus habitantes
deja estéril la tierra generosa;
35 convierte el desierto en lagunas,
y la tierra seca en manantiales.
36 Allí se establecen los que sufren de hambre,
y fundan ciudades donde puedan vivir.
37 Luego siembran los campos, y plantan sus viñas,
y recogen abundantes cosechas.
38 Dios los bendice y les da muchos hijos,
y no deja que sus ganados se reduzcan.

39 Pero si disminuyen y son humillados,
es por causa de la opresión, la maldad y la congoja.
40 Pero el Señor desprecia a los tiranos,
y los hace perderse en desiertos sin camino.
41 El Señor rescata al pobre de su miseria,
y multiplica sus hijos como rebaños de ovejas.
42 Al ver esto, los fieles se alegran,
y los malvados guardan silencio.

43 Si hay alguien sabio, que cumpla con esto,
y que entienda que el Señor es misericordioso.
(Psalms 107–150)
In Praise of God's Goodness
1 “Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good;
his love is eternal!”
2 Repeat these words in praise to the Lord,
all you whom he has saved.
He has rescued you from your enemies
3 and has brought you back from foreign countries,
from east and west, from north and south.

4 Some wandered in the trackless desert
and could not find their way to a city to live in.
5 They were hungry and thirsty
and had given up all hope.
6 Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress.
7 He led them by a straight road
to a city where they could live.
8 They must thank the Lord for his constant love,
for the wonderful things he did for them.
9 He satisfies those who are thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.

10 Some were living in gloom and darkness,
prisoners suffering in chains,
11 because they had rebelled against the commands of Almighty God
and had rejected his instructions.
12 They were worn out from hard work;
they would fall down, and no one would help.
13 Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress.
14 He brought them out of their gloom and darkness
and broke their chains in pieces.
15 They must thank the Lord for his constant love,
for the wonderful things he did for them.
16 He breaks down doors of bronze
and smashes iron bars.

17 Some were fools, suffering because of their sins
and because of their evil;
18 they couldn't stand the sight of food
and were close to death.
19 Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress.
20 He healed them with his command
and saved them from the grave.
21 They must thank the Lord for his constant love,
for the wonderful things he did for them.
22 They must thank him with sacrifices,
and with songs of joy must tell all that he has done.

23 Some sailed over the ocean in ships,
earning their living on the seas.
24 They saw what the Lord can do,
his wonderful acts on the seas.
25 He commanded, and a mighty wind began to blow
and stirred up the waves.
26 The ships were lifted high in the air
and plunged down into the depths.
In such danger the sailors lost their courage;
27 they stumbled and staggered like drunks—
all their skill was useless.
28 Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress.
29 He calmed the raging storm,
and the waves became quiet.
30 They were glad because of the calm,
and he brought them safe to the port they wanted.
31 They must thank the Lord for his constant love,
for the wonderful things he did for them.
32 They must proclaim his greatness in the assembly of the people
and praise him before the council of the leaders.

33 The Lord made rivers dry up completely
and stopped springs from flowing.
34 He made rich soil become a salty wasteland
because of the wickedness of those who lived there.
35 He changed deserts into pools of water
and dry land into flowing springs.
36 He let hungry people settle there,
and they built a city to live in.
37 They sowed the fields and planted grapevines
and reaped an abundant harvest.
38 He blessed his people, and they had many children;
he kept their herds of cattle from decreasing.

39 When God's people were defeated and humiliated
by cruel oppression and suffering,
40 he showed contempt for their oppressors
and made them wander in trackless deserts.
41 But he rescued the needy from their misery
and made their families increase like flocks.
42 The righteous see this and are glad,
but all the wicked are put to silence.

43 May those who are wise think about these things;
may they consider the Lord's constant love.