People Who Deserve Praise
1 There are three things in which I take special delight—things that are beautiful to the Lord and people alike:
brothers who get along with each other,
neighbors who are friends,
and a married couple who are happy together.
2 There are three kinds of people I cannot stand, whose behavior I find highly offensive:
poor people who are arrogant,
rich people who lie,
and foolish old men who commit adultery.
3 Unless you learn what you can while you are young, you will never be wise when you reach old age. 4 Sound judgment, good advice, and gray hair go together beautifully. 5 Wisdom, understanding, and sound counsel are appropriate to the aged and the respected. 6 Elderly people wear the crown of long experience, and they can boast of nothing finer than their fear of the Lord.
7 I will tell you about ten kinds of people that I feel fortunate to know, especially fortunate in the case of the tenth:
someone who takes pride in his children,
someone who lives to see his enemies fall,
8 a man fortunate enough to have an understanding wife,
a married couple who are well-matched,
a person who never speaks sinfully,
a person who doesn't have to work for someone less competent than himself,
9 someone fortunate enough to have a real friend,
a person that people are happy to listen to,
10 and the really great one: someone who is wise.
But the greatest one of all is the person who fears the Lord.
11 Such a person has no equal, because the fear of the Lord is the most important thing in the world.
Advice about Women
13 No wound is as serious as wounded love. No troubles are as serious as the troubles that women cause. 14 No sufferings are worse than the sufferings caused by people who hate you. No revenge is worse than revenge taken by an enemy. 15 No poison is deadlier than the poison of a snake, and no anger is deadlier than the anger of a woman.
16 I would rather live in the same house with a lion or a dragon than with a bad wife. 17 When a wife is in a bad mood, her expression changes until she looks like an angry bear. 18 Her husband has to go and eat with the neighbors, where he can't hold back his bitter sighs.
19 Compared with the troubles caused by a woman, any other trouble looks small. May such women suffer the fate of sinners!
20 A quiet man living with a nagging wife is like an old man climbing up a sandy hill.
21 Never lose your head over a woman's beauty, and don't try to win a woman because she is wealthy. 22 When a man is supported by his wife, there is sure to be anger, arrogance, and humiliation. 23 A bad wife will make her husband gloomy and depressed, and break his heart. Show me a timid man who can never make up his mind, and I will show you a wife who doesn't make her husband happy. 24 Sin began with a woman, and we must all die because of her. 25 Don't let a bad wife have her way, any more than you would allow water to leak from your cistern. 26 If she won't do as you tell her, divorce her.
1 In three things I was beautified, and stood up beautiful both before God and men: the unity of brethren, the love of neighbours, a man and a wife that agree together.
2 Three sorts of men my soul hateth, and I am greatly offended at their life: a poor man that is proud, a rich man that is a liar, and an old adulterer that doateth.
3 If thou hast gathered nothing in thy youth, how canst thou find any thing in thine age?
4 O how comely a thing is judgment for gray hairs, and for ancient men to know counsel!
5 O how comely is the wisdom of old men, and understanding and counsel to men of honour.
6 Much experience is the crown of old men, and the fear of God is their glory.
7 There be nine things which I have judged in mine heart to be happy, and the tenth I will utter with my tongue: A man that hath joy of his children; and he that liveth to see the fall of his enemy:
8 Well is him that dwelleth with a wife of understanding, and that hath not slipped with his tongue, and that hath not served a man more unworthy than himself:
9 Well is him that hath found prudence, and he that speaketh in the ears of them that will hear:
10 O how great is he that findeth wisdom! yet is there none above him that feareth the Lord.
11 But the love of the Lord passeth all things for illumination: he that holdeth it, whereto shall he be likened?
12 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of his love: and faith is the beginning of cleaving unto him.
13 Give me any plague, but the plague of the heart: and any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman:
14 And any affliction, but the affliction from them that hate me: and any revenge, but the revenge of enemies.
15 There is no head above the head of a serpent; and there is no wrath above the wrath of an enemy.
16 I had rather dwell with a lion and a dragon, than to keep house with a wicked woman.
17 The wickedness of a woman changeth her face, and darkeneth her countenance like sackcloth.
18 Her husband shall sit among his neighbours; and when he heareth it shall sigh bitterly.
19 All wickedness is but little to the wickedness of a woman: let the portion of a sinner fall upon her.
20 As the climbing up a sandy way is to the feet of the aged, so is a wife full of words to a quiet man.
21 Stumble not at the beauty of a woman, and desire her not for pleasure.
22 A woman, if she maintain her husband, is full of anger, impudence, and much reproach.
23 A wicked woman abateth the courage, maketh an heavy countenance and a wounded heart: a woman that will not comfort her husband in distress maketh weak hands and feeble knees.
24 Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die.
25 Give the water no passage; neither a wicked woman liberty to gad abroad.
26 If she go not as thou wouldest have her, cut her off from thy flesh, and give her a bill of divorce, and let her go.